
About us

The Med-Extranet digital library from Jayex is focused on providing healthcare information across general practice and wellbeing hub waiting rooms to patients, as they wait to see a doctor.

Med-Extranet assists in promoting health & well-being to patients via digital screens in waiting rooms. We help staff by saving time trawling through various websites for health content and because well informed patients can significantly reduce pressure on the NHS by using the information supplied by finding the most appropriate service or how to best manage long term conditions.


We now have a more intuitive, regularly updated Jayex Media Library which can be accessed via our Connect platform. Upgrade to Jayex Display for your patient calling and media display needs

About us

Jayex Med-Extranet
+44 (0) 208 838 6222
Mon-Fri 08:30 – 17:00

Content Partners

  • Public Health England
  • NHS Digital
  • NHS Choices
  • NHS CCG’s

Contact us!

Jayex Technology Limited
International House,
24 Holborn Viaduct,
London, NW9 1SH, UK

Call to discuss your requirements

020 8838 6222 
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