
Colds & Flu


Media from a variety of Cold & Flu campaigns supported by general advice posters


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    NHS 5 Static posters Winter Well 18

    nhs fluparents digital static r 1539638442nhs flupregnancy digital static r 1539638443nhs flulthc digital static r 1539638442Set of 5 NHS PHE Winter Well 18 static posters, click on "More Details" to select the files to download.

    Flu LTHC – Targeting people with long-term health conditions who are at increased risk from the effects of flu e.g Heart Disease, Liver Disease, Diabetes, COPD

    Flu Generic – Targeting all at risk groups that are most vulnerable to the effects of Flu, and eligible for the free flu jab

    Flu Parents – Targeting parents of children aged 2-3, who are eligible for the free flu vaccine, which is a nasal spray

    Flu Pregnancy – Targeting pregnant women, who are all eligible for the free flu jab

    First Signs – Aims to reduce the number of people being admitted to hospital via A&E for serious respiratory ailments that could have been prevented with early access to effective treatment and management. The target audience is older people, particularly those who are frail and over 70, and working age people with long-term health conditions

    nhs firstsigns digital static r 1539638441nhs flugen digital static r 1539638441

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    Winter 2018 collection of 5 animations

    nhs firstsigns digital static r 1539638441nhs flugen digital static r 1539638441

     Set of 5 NHS PHE Winter Well 18 Animations, click on "More Details" to select the files to download.






    Flu LTHC – Targeting people with long-term health conditions who are at increased risk from the effects of flu e.g Heart Disease, Liver Disease, Diabetes, COPD

    Flu Generic – Targeting all at risk groups that are most vulnerable to the effects of Flu, and eligible for the free flu jab

    Flu Parents – Targeting parents of children aged 2-3, who are eligible for the free flu vaccine, which is a nasal spray

    Flu Pregnancy – Targeting pregnant women, who are all eligible for the free flu jab

    First Signs – Aims to reduce the number of people being admitted to hospital via A&E for serious respiratory ailments that could have been prevented with early access to effective treatment and management. The target audience is older people, particularly those who are frail and over 70, and working age people with long-term health conditions

    nhs fluparents digital static r 1539638442nhs flupregnancy digital static r 1539638443nhs flulthc digital static r 1539638442

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    Stay Well - Stock Up (Video)

    staywell stockup17 r 1509640557Stay Well - Stock Up Video animation (HD) from Public Health England. - Updated 2017 video

    Please support the Stay Well This Winter campaign by displaying this animation on your waiting room screens to encourage people over 65 and people with long-term health conditions to pick up their prescriptions before the Christmas holidays, and to visit a pharmacist at the first signs of feeling unwell.

    The campaign launched in October and will run until March 2018.

    Visit nhs.uk/staywell for more information.

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    Stay Well - Stock Up (Poster)

    staywell stockup17 r 1509640557Stay Well - Stock Up  screenshot - poster (L) from Public Health England - Updated 2017 October - Video animation also available

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    Stay Well - First Signs (Video)

    firstsigns17 r 1509641390Stay Well Campaign - First Signs Video animation (HD) from Public Health England - updated for  2017

    Please support the Stay Well This Winter campaign by displaying this animation on your waiting room screens to encourage people over 65 and people with long-term health conditions  to visit their GP or Pharmacist at the first signs of feeling unwell.

    Stay Well This Winter is a joint national initiative from NHS England and Public Health England helping at-risk groups prepare for the winter months. The campaign launched in October and will run until March 2018.

    Visit nhs.uk/staywell for more information.

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    Stay Well - First Signs (poster)

    firstsigns17 r 1509641390Stay Well Campaign - First Signs screenshot  from Public Health England - updated for  2017 - animated video available.


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    Winter Health Check (Video)

    winterhealth r 1476261825Winter Health Check - Are you feeling under the weather ? - Video (HD)

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    Child Flu Nasal PHE

    child flu phe r 1476564669Child Flu Nasal Spray from Public Health England - Poster (P)

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    Free Nasal Spray

    Free Nasal Spray PHE rFree Nasal Spray screenshot of 2015/16 campaign - poster (L)

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    Five Reasons

    five reasons flu 2016 r 1478297807Five reasons to vaccinate your child against Flu - Poster (P)

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  • NHS Digital
  • NHS Choices
  • NHS CCG’s

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